Do I need to preregister for sessions I want to attend?
No. Most sessions operate on a first-come/first-served basis; however, Select Sessions do require preregistration and are highlighted in red on the schedule. See Select Session descriptions for details on how to register.
How do I pick which sessions to attend?
Attending a conference can be overwhelming. Take time to review each session description and generate a tentative schedule of those that interest you or support a self-identified area of growth. Because some sessions will fill quickly, it is also a good idea to have a backup session in mind. If you cannot attend all the sessions you want, form a team with other colleagues from your campus and distribute the sessions amongst each other. Then, reconvene during the reflection and planning time on Thursday to share what each of you learned.
How will I be given credit for attending?
AISD teachers will be assigned continuing education hours in HCP based on total attendance. Non-AISD educators will be mailed a certificate with the total number of continuing education hours printed on it. Please make sure to sign in and out of each session to receive full credit.
Should I bring a computer or other device?
Yes. Many sessions require the use of a device. Some sessions will have devices on hand; participants will be able to use university computers located in the computer labs.
Will I have access to to the Internet?
Yes. You may access the internet for FREE by logging onto the St. Edward's guest network.
Will free parking be available?
Yes. Attendees may park in any lot designated "All Permits" or "Resident Student". [view parking map]
Will lunch or other meals be provided?
Yes and no. Coffee and snacks will be provided the mornings of August 2-4 (Tues -Weds). Please bring a reusable mug or thermos. Edusmart and HMH will be sponsoring lunch-and-learns on Tuesday and Wednesday. Preregistration is required and space is limited; please see lunch-and learn descriptions for specific details. Lunch will be provided for participants who plan to participate in the reflection and planning time scheduled for Thursday afternoon. Please note that the South Congress Market located in Ragsdale Center on campus will be open during the conference.
Get App
Download the Yapp application onto your mobile device.
Click "Download an Existing App"
Enter the Yapp ID, AASTEMCON16
The conference app should now be accessible via the Yapp application.
Users may also view the app on any any laptop, netbook, or desktop by going to http://my.yapp.us/AASTEMCON16

August 2-5, 2016. Doors open at 7:30 am daily. Sessions begin at 9:00 am and end by 4:00 pm*
St. Edward's University, John Brooks Williams Natural Science Center, North and South Buildings [open in Google maps]
*Sessions on Friday may start or end at different times; please check the schedule.